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100% italian extra-virgin olive oil in cans


From our secular experience an Extra Virgin Olive Oil with a balanced and decisive taste. 100% Italian, cold extracted and with a very low degree of acidity.

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Novella&Vignolo extra virgin olive oil
100% Italian olives – pressed once – Cold extraction – Unfiltered – Very low acidity

It is the result of a careful selection of olives, produced with a blend of 100% Italian olives that vary from production to production depending on the vintage, harvested to the right degree of ripeness, and pressed within 24-48 hours of harvest.

Our 100% Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the natural juice of the best Italian olives, harvested and crushed at the right time and in the appropriate way, for this reason it retains all its properties, both organoleptic and nutritional.

Additional information

Weight N/A

500, 750, 1000, 2000, 3000, 5000